18″ PA Sub-woofer
SRL Loudspeakers
Project Category:
Project Level:
Project Time:
8-20 Hours
Project Cost:
$100 – $500
Project Description:
This project entailed building two (2) 18″ PA sub-woofers utilizing the best materials, components, and construction techniques.
Design Goals:
Build an enclosure that had very high SPL, power handling, and excellent fidelity.
Driver Selection:
Eminence Sigma Pro-18A-2 18″ Cast Frame Driver
Enclosure Design:
3/4″ Baltic Birch plywood with zero fasteners. Entire enclosure is held together with beach-wood biscuits and glue. This method while taking longer actually ensures a stronger bond and zero chance of vibration and resonant frequencies from fasteners coming loose.
Crossover Design:
Crossover was electronics by choice of Ashly Protea 3.6SP
While this project was very time consuming, it yielded a product far superior than any big name sub-woofer that could be purchased. We utilized the finest materials, construction methods, and Eminence Drivers for a high quality product.
About the Designer:
SRL Loudspeakers (founded 2017)
We were founded on guitar iso-cabinets and quickly moved into designing and building sound reinforcement cabinets for DJ’s and mobile musicians. While lead times aren’t our selling point, our quality and tonal characteristics speak for themselves.
so…… it’s a vented Eminence driver 4th order enclosure???.. SFW……