Overnight Sensation Center Channel
Pavel Mirmanov
Project Category:
Home Theater
Project Level:
Project Time:
8-20 Hours
Project Cost:
$100 – $500
Project Description:
Overnight Sensation Center Channel by Paul Carmody, 1/2″ MDF, Rad Pine veneer.
Design Goals:
This was my second project. I replaced my front HT speakers with Overnight Sensation and needed to replace center channel speaker with a nicer speaker. I needed one that would fit between my TV and my fireplace mantel.
Crossover Design:
I had to replace R2 in Paul’s XO schema with an 8 Ohm resistor since I was using Dayton ND20 twitter instead of HiVi T20.
This center channel looks beautiful and sounds clear. Delivers great speech for my home theater.
About the Designer:
Beginner from Canada.
Project Parts List:
What are the cabinet dimensions?
Is there a wiring diagram for this?
Are dimensional drawings and schematic available