Rear Speakers
Project Category:
Home Theater
Project Level:
Project Time:
8-20 Hours
Project Cost:
$100 – $500
Project Description:
Rear left and right surrounds speakers .
Design Goals:
Build a set of rear speakers that fire in multiple directions.
Driver Selection:
Enclosure Design:
Bi directional
Enclosure Assembly:
3/4 inch MDF 9x18x11 inch , 1 inch mdf baffles on the front.
Crossover Design:
2 Way X @ 4500hz.
Tips & Tricks:
For the 5/8 inch dayton tweeters , use a 1 7/16 inch forster bit , Its a good fit for these press fit speakers.
I wanted to build a set of rear speakers that wouldnt break the bank . I was not concerned to much about how they would sound , I just needed some new rear speakers for my 5.1 system . Too my suprize they sound awsome , room filling sound . They sound good enough, to use these as a nice book shelf speaker. The bass extension is much better then I would have expected, they are not going to shake your pictures off the wall , but than again there only 4 inch drivers . I used l-pads on the tweeters , becuase adjusting on the fly is just easier. The 1 inch port 4 inch long was a total guess , and it worked out good . I tested these as front left and rights and put a lot of lows through them with out distorting . I figured if the didnt sound good i would just block the port . It is hard to figure out air space with all the angles of the box , so I went with what fit in the spots , were they are placed. All and all they worked out good , and match my towers and center speakers , that I built a while back . At a build cost of under $200, and that is for both , I would put them up against any book shell under $500 or $600 . It is definitely worth building your own speakers . Thank you Parts Express.
About the Designer:
Im a noob to this , I dont have a lot knowledge on speaker building , but love wood working and music , so its the perfect combo . One day I will pick up some speaker measuring equipment and do this right .
Project Parts List:
These look like they’d be more suited as side surrounds rather than rears.