Soundbar (Christmas Present)
Project Category:
Home Theater
Project Level:
Project Time:
1-8 Hours
Project Cost:
$100 – $500
Project Description:
This is a 2.1 sound bar, built for a family member as a Christmas present. Fortunately, the recipient is patient because this was for Christmas 2021 and was just completed in May 2022!!
Design Goals:
I wanted to mimic somewhat Dayton AudioBar, so I used the 3″ drivers, Part #295-587 Model: DMA80-8 Instead of the Dayton Soundbar Amplifier, I used the TPA3116 2.1 amp, Part #: 320-622 because of the cost, remote control and input capabilities.
Driver Selection:
Dayton DMA80-8, 3″ driver was selected for it’s size and full range capabilities. The DMA80s are wired parallel, 2 on left and 2 on right. An old JBL subwoofer was repurposed to work with this since the amp was blown in it.
Enclosure Design:
The enclosure was designed to be a copy of the Dayton AudioBar without complementary passive radiators. I found some acacia charcuterie boards on sale at the local “Hobby” shop and used them for the front baffle. The remainder of the enclosure was 1/2 birch. Brother-n-law used CNC to mill the driver openings and did the finishes (two coats paint on plywood and two coats clear sealer on all)
Enclosure Assembly:
I found some acacia charcuterie boards on sale at the local “Hobby” shop and used them for the front baffle. The remainder of the enclosure was 1/2 birch. Brother-n-law used CNC to mill the driver openings and did the finishes (two coats paint on plywood and two coats clear sealer on all)
Crossover Design:
no crossover. signal is straight from the 2.1 amp to the drivers.
Tips & Tricks:
If you try something like this, it might be best to make the rear panel removable for connections. 😉
The DMA80 drivers sound suprisingly clean and work supremely well for this purpose. The TPA3116 bluetooth 2.1 amp provides supfficient power for all drivers and the sister-n-law loves her (late) christmas present! Fun project.
About the Designer:
Just a hobbyist
Project Parts List:
Part # |
Description |
Qty |
295-587 |
https://www.parts-express.com/Dayton-Audio-DMA80-8-3-Dual-Magnet-Aluminum-Cone-Full-Range-Driver-8-Ohm-295-587 |
4 |
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