TLCC 3-Way
Designer: Anthony Marzella
Project Time: 1-8 Hours
Project Complexity: Intermediate
Project Cost: $100-$500
Project Description
My three way transmission line center channel.
Design Goals
I wanted a smooth three way center channel to match my Browns 616TLs that i built a couple years ago. They are excellent all around speakers. I wanted up the mid-range performance because it is a center channel.
Driver Selection
2 Dayton Audio DC160-8
Dayton Audio RS52AN-8 2″ Dome Midrange
Dayton Audio ND16FA-6
Enclosure Design
I found the Brown TL616 designs on line by chance, built them and loved them. I tried to find his center channel design also with no luck. So I based my design on his 717TLC design by shrinking here and there and crossing it with the L+R channel designs. The tapered throat is almost 8′ long terminating in a 3.25X6.5″ mouth.
Enclosure Assembly
I used acres glue and clamps. Built with birch 13 ply. Top, bottom, and back are painted black semigloss with a front and sides covered in walnut veneer with 2 coats of spray lacquer, semigloss.
Crossover Design
I emailed Parts Express with my intentions and Greg with Technical Support responded by the next day with a design. My crossover is 500/6000 and depending on the responses I plan to use Lpads to control the mid and tweeter output. The sensitivities are so close it might not be necessary.
I am still waiting for them to break in fully, so hopefully I’ll be able to edit with my final impressions.
About the Designer
I am a carpenter. I’ve been on job sites since i was three. My hobby is woodworking, and I have a speaker addiction, plain and simple. I have three children who are slowly following along in my love of music and it’s reproduction.
Now that you have had this for awhile, what is your conclusion? Good?
Overall I like them. I definitely had to add L-pads. The mid is just so hot. They have a very natural sound overall after attenuating the tweeter and mid. I guess I should have built that into the crossover, but crossovers are a lot harder to build than speaker boxes. I will say that they are a bit directional… unfortunately. After about 20 deg. off center you loose some of the highs. But over all I am happy. My wife likes the way they look, so there’s that. 🙂
…4.5 years later…Nice! I too built the 616tl’s. Thought I was the only one. I wish I had the space for your ctr channel.
Could u explain the purpose of R1 in the bandpass crossover? I’m learning crossover design and am curious