BT Boombox
Project Category:
Portable Speakers
Project Level:
Project Time:
8-20 Hours
Project Cost:
$100 – $500
Project Description:
Portable DIY BT boombox housed in a hard plastic tool box. The design was built around the Wondom AA-AC111
Design Goals:
I wanted to build a portable BT boombox for a friend that owns a tile contracting company. The idea was to create a portable boombox he could take to job sites that would be durable and rechargeable for greater portability.
Driver Selection:
Dayton Audio ND90 8ohm 3-1/2″ full range driver
Enclosure Design:
Repurposed hard plastic tool box
Tips & Tricks:
The Parts Express support team was super helpful. They helped me calculate the proper bass port design and the issue with the bad aux cable.
The amplifier has decent output. The BT range is not as
good as the specs say. The aux cable included with the board was wired incorrectly. I had to cut the wires and re-wire in the correct pinout to the connecter.
About the Designer:
I’ve been tinkering with electronics for the past 10 years. I design and build coustom effect pedals for guitar and bass, as well as low watt guitar amplifiers. I love DIY and re-proposing old radios and storage objects for audio electronic projects.. I’m not an experienced speaker builder but I’m working on it.
Project Parts List:
Part # |
Description |
Qty |
290-210 |
Dayton Audio ND90-8 3-1/2″ Aluminum Cone Full-Range Driver 8 Ohm |
1 |
320-3519 |
Wondom AA-AC11161 2x30W 4-8 Ohm Class D Audio Amplifier Board BT4.0 with Functional Cables |
1 |
320-3516 |
Wondom AA-JA11113 Extension Board – 18650 Batteries |
1 |
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