Baroque Quintet

Project Category:
Project Level:
Project Time:
20+ Hours
Project Cost:
$100 – $500
Project Description:
Layered hardwoods, hand carved teak details
Design Goals:
Stray away from typical boxy looking designs. debut ,exposure.
Driver Selection:
All home made
Enclosure Design:
Mortise and Dovetails layered hardwoods Marine epoxy composites.
Crossover Design:
Dayton parts express filters
Tips & Tricks:
Be patient, be original, don’t copy or criticize others designs
Gee! there is so many people building speakers!
About the Designer:
Retired guy with a garage hobby project
Home made drivers?
Hey Don,
Thanks for your interest!
The driver cones, frames, custom wound voice coils & magnet housings were all hand made, using scrap metal. Except for the 2 woofer Ferrite magnets that were salvaged from old woofers.
(you can see the tweeters in my next posting)