Ammo-Can 2 ways
Designer: desk Top creations
Project Time: 1-8 hours
Project Complexity: Beginner
Project Cost: Under $100
Project Description
Each can used to house night vision and are larger than your run-of-the-mill ammo-cans.
I used the Panasonic terminal crossover that PA had on sale a while back to run the tweets and to complete the basic look. I bypassed the mid crossover and made a direct connection to the woofer.
Design Goals
Provide good sound from rugged ammo-can type enclosures, keeping the cans as original as possible. Either garage use or bookshelf man cave conversational pieces.
Driver Selection
GRS 8″ full range
5/8″ Mylar dome tweeters
Enclosure Design
Foam braced
Poly stuffed
Enclosure Assembly
Prefabricated. Challenging making accurate cuts into the steel with a jig saw.
Crossover Design
Panasonic 2 way terminal buy outs
Sound is surprisingly clean and cans don’t give or rattle when the bass gets punchy. I have an old Kenwood receiver powering the pair and it gets loud enough to fill a three car garage.
Tips & Tricks
Placing a magnet inside the can helped with metal shaving clean up.
About the Designer
I am a veteran that has been tinkering with audio for over 30 years.
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