Baroque Quintet (part 2) Tweeters

Project Category:
Freestyle Speakers
Project Level:
Project Time:
20+ Hours
Project Cost:
$100 – $500
Project Description:
Custom Tweeters from scratch
Design Goals:
Design and build 2 inch tweeters specific fit for Baroque Quintet project previously posted.
(Shameless self-promotion)
Driver Selection:
2 inch low frequency fiberglass color cone tweeter.
2 inch high frequency ultra thin metal foil tweeter
Enclosure Design:
2 inch sheet metal frame cold fabricated from scrap metal used PC cases. brazed at seams
Crossover Design:
High Pass Filters
Tips & Tricks:
A socket set with threaded rod, works good for winding different size voice coils.
learn light brazing and welding, get handy with a hack saw
A high speed drill mounted in a vice with threaded rod for mandrels for grinding and polishing.
Easy to find scrap metal thrown out for fabrication.
Parts Express is a good source for building speakers.
These were made with pure enthusiasm. It didn’t save time or money to make my own tweeters. Many hours and into years of testing were needed before matching store bought quality, but after a while they can compare or go beyond.
About the Designer:
50 years ago I made my first crude weak speaker for a 5th grade science project out of a shoe box, paper bag, and toy motor magnets & wire, using a transistor radio for the amp.
The science teacher gave me a “D” because I didn’t make an electromagnet winding wire around a nail.
Been making speakers on and off ever since.
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