Winter Speedsters

Winter Speedsters


Project Category:
Bookshelf Speakers

Project Level:

Project Time:
20+ Hours

Project Cost:
$100 – $500

Project Description:
I wanted to try and build a bookshelf sized speaker with good sound. Sometimes you just need a project to distract you from how cold it is outside (full disclosure, I live in N. California so when I say cold I mean around 35 degrees). I have a few nice tools, but not much experience in building speakers. I’ve only build two before this project. But what the heck, let’s see if I can make these work. I purchased the parts as a kit, including a pre made crossover, since I don’t know what I’m doing in that area yet.

Design Goals:
Something that looked nice and sounded great.

Driver Selection:
Woofer – Tang Band W4-1720 Part No. 264-872
Tweeter – Fountek NeoCD1.0 Part No. 296-701

Enclosure Design:
Simple box with A bracing, and some additional small bracing on inside sides.

Enclosure Assembly:
.75 and .50 MDF with Walnut veneer covering.

Crossover Design:
Pre made.

Tips & Tricks:
Veneering is tricky, and takes a lot of time, but once done it’s really worth it. Makes the cabinets look beautiful.

Conclusion: I’m very happy with them! They sound great, the TB woofer is really amazing. Nice bass. The time and effort that went into these is pretty considerable. I’m not sure how many hours it took to finsih everything, but be prepared for some long weekends. The cost of the parts (everything but the enclosure) was around $380, including a pre soldered crossover set.
So all in all probably a $425 project. Could I have taken the same amount and bought a pre made set, yes, but the fact that I built these, they sound great, and the pride of seeing my own work makes it satisfying. The speakers need a bit of power to drive them, since they’re somewhere in the 4-6 ohm range supposedly. I’m using a 75W amp. Thes will go near my computer set up for near field listening, and maybe someday I’ll
build matching stands and use them in a bedroom setting. Thanks to Paul Carmody for his sweet design!

About the Designer:
Amateur woodworker.

Project Parts List:

Tang Band W4-1720 4″ Underhung Midbass Driver
Fountek NeoCD1.0 Ribbon Tweeter
Consolidated 18 AWG 2-conductor Power Speaker Wire 25 ft. (Red/Black)
Parts Express #6 x 1″ Coarse Thread Cabinet Screws 100 Pcs.
Dayton Audio BPFI-G Fully Insulated Binding Post Banana Jack Pair Gold


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  1. 1

    These babies are absolutely gorgeous! You should be very proud of the work you’ve done. In my various job-related moves around the world over the decades I’ve always needed to rely on desktop and satellite setups and have grown to appreciate great sound from small spaces.
    All the best to you.

  2. 4

    Beautiful build. Would like to see you ‘upgade’ these with some 3 layer Sonic Barrier, better crossover and better wire. They deserve it. Lose the inductive resistors, lose all the steel parts in the signal path – find brass or copper. Remove those terminal strips. The SB will dampen cabinet resonance more, and deepen the bass. All that is sold at PE. This speaker deserves some Canare 4S11 speaker cable (PE doesnt have, wish they did), use the PE Part #091-354 bananas and you’ll get some serious bang for your buck improvements taking these to another sound level to match the great looks!! Great job~!

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